Organizational design

Upskilling your board

Upskilling your board

Most well-run organisations have a sensible focus on developing the skills within their senior managers and executives – but all too often, the boardroom is overlooked.

With many boards comprising a mix of former chief executive/financial officers, there is a real danger that certain skill sets are missing entirely from the board. Yet this is the team that is providing guidance and challenge to the organisation.

Some boards outsource specialist activities (risk management, pension investments, communication consultancies etc) but many prefer to handle everything from within. That’s fine but then the board needs a comprehensive set of skills, knowledge and experience ranging from good governance, to marketing, employee mental health, fundraising, supply chain and cyber security to name but a few.

Knowing where to start is difficult but an assessment of the individual board members’ capabilities will allow options for future initiatives to be identified. We can help you here.

Taking the first step is never easy – if you want to get more from your organisation, then start a conversation with Crescus  and we’ll support you.